Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Chapter 14

Later that night found Bret and I walking along the water's edge at Leo Carrillo Beach.

"This is one of my favorite beaches," I said. "The surfing is good and it is so pretty." When I didn't get a response, I looked up at Bret. He was just walking next to me, just staring at his feet as we walked. I took his hand, moved in front of him, walking backwards.
Tilting my head and looking up to catch his attention, I asked, "Bret? Everything OK?"

Bret looked at me and said, "K, I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."

"You want to tell me about it?" I asked.

He kept my hand in his (I had gone back to walking next to him) and started, "I am just worried about the band. About making it." He paused, then continued, "And we just recently hired a guitarist. He is really talented but incredibly arrogant. Our egos totally clashed. The other night when we hired him, we told him to learn some of our songs, so he could play them with us, then came in and said 'whatever' and just played this guitar riff he came up with. Rikki and Bobby just went along with him, which pissed me off. I eventually got over it and we hired him. I just hope I can control myself when he thinks he's in charge. Rikki and I started this band."

"What's his name?"

"CC DeVille. He's from Brooklyn, but he has been playing all over L.A."

"And you say he is talented?"

"Yes he is. He so fits in with us."

"Well, I hope it all works out for you. I would like to see you guys play sometime," I said turning us around and going back the other way.

Bret was quiet for a moment then he said excitedly, "Hey maybe you can. The record company that is putting out our album is having us make a music video. I will see if I can get you in as an extra or something."

"Wow. That would be so cool," I replied.

We stopped in front of a small cave where we had stashed some blankets and a backpack that my mom had packed some food in. There was also a small fire pit with some driftwood nearby. I lit a small fire, spread out the blanket and sat down. I patted a spot next to me to have Bret sit down. "Are you hungry?" I asked as I searched through the backpack to see what kind of food my mom packed. "It looks like my mom put in some ham sandwiches and a couple of sodas," I said opening a soda, and taking out half a sandwich. I was hungry as I hadn't eaten since early afternoon and it was like after 10:30pm. Bret took the other half a sandwich a soda. We ate in silence just listening to the fire crackle and the waves crash.

We had been sitting side by side when I shivered from a breeze that just came up.

"Hold on,” Bret said as he added another log on the fire, then sat with his back up against this big log that we had been sitting next to and had me sit between his legs. I sat facing the fire and he wrapped his arms around me. "Is that better?" he asked next to my ear.

I pulled up one of the extra blankets over both of us and said, "Much. Thank you." This was so romantic I thought. His arms felt so good around me. My stomach though was a mass of butterflies and I felt a tingling between my legs. Not knowing exactly what time it was, I said, "I need to be getting back home soon. I need to get a little sleep then it is back here for practice."

Bret was running his fingers through my hair making me feel things I have never felt before and asked, "You surf a lot. huh?"

"Ya. I am going to enter an amateur surf contest in August. I need to practice as much as possible."

Nuzzling my neck he replied, "That sounds cool." The more he placed little kisses on my neck the more incoherent I became.

Bret moved me so I was sitting sideways between his legs. He had one arm around me and his free hand was caressing my face while we continued to kiss. Somehow we ended up lying down with Bret above me. He was half over me with his free hand roaming my body turning me into liquid fire. He had his hand under my shirt running his hand almost to my bra and then back down to rub just inside my waistband of my pants.

Resting his hand on my waist, Bret stopped kissing me to just look at me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him waiting to see why he stopped. "Why did you stop? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

His fingertips lightly touching my forehead he said, "No Baby. I just wanted to say something." Leaning down, he kissed me, and said, "K, I know we haven't been together very long, but I love you." He closed his eyes and touched his forehead to mine, then looked at me and said, "I love that you don't bug me, pester me with a lot of questions. You don't lie. You don't make me buy you things like I owed it to you. I love how comfortable it is to be with you," He said fervently.

Trying to be flirty I said, "Baby, you mean all this time I could have been asking you for stuff?" making a pouty lip at the end, and running a fingertip over his chest. At the last minute, I smiled.

Bret smiled and whispered, "MINX!" as he bent to kiss me. We just laid there in each others arms.